The year 2013 is approaching with lots-n-lots of things in the wraps. The state of Delhi is going to witness assembly elections and some political pundits have speculate that mid-term polls are in the way. With the signs of an improving economy, we bring to you our version of social media predictions for the coming year 2013.
Section 66(A) takes shape
The section 66(A) of the Indian Information Technology (IT) act seems to mature and take a right shape as per the Indian perspective. India already ranks relatively low in the Press Freedom Index (PFI) and while this clause has already been the reason to embarrassment for politicos & policemen, the lawmakers seem to be united to amend this “undemocratic” act.
More sections of society reach out
Seeing the protests on India Gate in favour of a harshest law against rapists and social media being the tool used by the youth to give a voice to the movement, we would say that more sections of the society – police, youth, politicians, students, companies, women, housewives and even general public – would turn up to the medium to let their voices heard. This may see a huge rise in the subscribers of websites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Social media becomes the battleground
With relatively low costs of reaching out to the masses and comparative more usage by youth on the Internet, social media becomes the battleground for upcoming assembly and general elections. The current trends suggest that the opposition is more social media savvy and this fact will bring more current ruling politicos to the social media and Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will be seen ranking under top 5 most visited websites in India.
Social media becomes a pandora’s box
As social media grows further and with all the plus points it can be given, the minus points of its abuse by spammers and anti-social elements can’t be overlooked. Add to it the fact that a recovering economy will see a surge both in incomes and fraudulent ideas taking business shape which will result in social media becoming a pandora’s box.
Social media takes a dip owing to ROI
No need to mention that even the social media has an ROI but no doubt the success can more be measured in terms of community size, engagement, TG penetration and virality than in $$$. While the booming economy will see a surge in social media boutique shops and agencies being found overnight, the companies will still struggle to find an ROI in the absence of a far sighted social media strategy.
Happy New Year 2013!